The High Cost Of Living Unconciously

By Debbie Friedman

Have you ever heard of the term ‘Highway Hypnosis’? It’s a term that’s been coined for what goes on in major metropolitan areas every day. Your conscious mind becomes overloaded by information from your body, environment, subconscious mind, and conscious mind, so that your subconscious mind takes over and moves into the driver’s seat.

We all know the high cost of driving unconsciously. You can slam into someone’s car and not know how you got there.

Here’s the real question, though: What’s the cost of being unconscious on the highway of your life? Are you bumping into obstacles that you don’t need to bump into? Could you be navigating a much more effective path? Are you tuned out to the road signs that could make your life a smoother journey?

When your subconscious mind slides into the drivers seat of your life, what goes on? Is your mind full of negative self talk, thoughts of worry and doubts, fears that you’re not good enough or that it’s not going to work out, and conversations you could or should have had with people days before? Are you working yourself into a state of stress and fear based on old beliefs and programming?


The truth is that 90% of what you think, say, and do is based on the subconscious mind and the information it has stored. If you aren’t conscious, you slip back into letting your subconscious mind take over and much of that is based on old beliefs, ideas, experiences, programming and limitations from the past.

That’s what happens in life and it can hold you back from success. And the cost of this is high, often times painful, sometimes leading to a life of quiet desperation or death.

Cleaning out the closet of your mind to eliminate limiting beliefs is a powerful step towards ending this cycle. We all know that your thoughts lead to your emotions, which lead to your actions, and lead to the results that you see in your life.

To avoid the high cost of living unconsciously, the key is to become conscious in your daily life so that you can choose the thoughts that will lead you to the destiny of your dreams. By consciously choosing to create new thought habits that are filled with powerful, positive beliefs, your highway of life becomes a smooth, easy, joyful adventure.

If you become aware that you’re not present in the moment, that your mind has drifted, that there is a high cost of living unconsciously that you are no longer willing to pay, and sense that your subconscious may be in the driver’s seat of your life, here are five practical steps you can use:

1. Create a fist with one of your hands and ‘count yourself out’ by extending one finger at a time as you say ‘1-2-3-4-5, eyes open, wide awake!’ Repeat this until you are in the present moment and consciously aware. If you’re driving, be sure to keep one hand on the wheel at all times.

2. Pay attention to your body, mind, and spirit. If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, take a walk, take a break, take a nap, and give yourself a moment to step off the Stress Express.

3. Be conscious of your surroundings and stay focused on one thing at a time. Be fully present in the moment with whatever is in front of you.

4. Create a dialogue with yourself that is positive and that allows you to anticipate the day ahead, verbally acknowledge and celebrate all that good things that are happening, and express gratitude for everything in your day including the fact that you have the gift of creating your dream.

5. Focus on what is right in your life and your vision of the life you choose to live. Give attention to what’s not working smoothly only long enough to correct your course through your actions, thoughts, or emotions. Learn the lesson, gain the wisdom, and move on.

Then, consciously choose the life you desire. YOU deserve it!!!

About the Author: Debbie Friedman, M.S., C.Ht., is the Manifesting Maven who helps people consciously create the life they love to live. She is the creator of the popular Cleaning Out the Closet of Your Mind for Wealth series.


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Three Main Benefits For Buying Disability Insurance}

Three main benefits for buying Disability Insurance


Kevin Hen

Now days the life of people very fast what will happen to next with anybody no one knows at any second rather unpredicted can happen to anybody that can change persons life weeks, months, years or everlastingly. This incident might be dreadful and hasty, or be expected and come to slowly .these kind of incidents will definitely influence them and as well as their family on the daily basis and will charge time, money, and on the whole energy. One might surprise what can be done to protect them to face such kind of situation in prospect when it is strange.

The best way to protect you from this type of situation is to buy disability insurance. Disability Insurance is income paid to you (generally 40-60%) when you cant work because of something inopportune happens, such as an injury or illness, which stops an individual to working. This policy can include sick leave and short or long-term disability benefits also.


Three main benefits for buying Disability Insurance:

It’s Tax Deductible: If an owner gives this advantage for employees and pays the premium, it is fully taxable, as well as tax deductible. Whatever the premiums purchased by an owner, are often permitted to be abstracted as business expenditure.

It provides psychoanalysis: Because of any problem if any persons cannot do their earlier career jobs, new training will gives as a help so the individual can learn new ability and get more chances of employment and profits.

Its Refundable: It is refundable after the age of 65 if anyone has never fallen sufferer to sickness or injury or not at all use their benefits, several policies are lump sum or partially refundable. In this case, the premium paid over the years would be refunded to the person that paid them.

According to the National Safety Council, in United States every minute a disabling injury arises. Thus start searching that which is the right policy for you, buy, and defend yourself and your loved ones with Disability insurance.

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